Lettering with Ning
July 15th, 2024

The Wallpaper 00002-The Love of My Life is the Love for My Life


I've offered this as a free wallpaper for iPhone, iPad, and PC. However, donating a little would mean a lot to me as I am saving up for a new iPad as my birthday present this month.

In a world where we are often taught to seek validation from others, most people believe they need someone to fulfill their lives, thinking they must find the missing piece of their heart to feel truly loved. However, I believe the greatest love anyone can find is the love for their own life—experiences, memories, and identity. When you truly accept who you are and love yourself as a whole, that’s when you can genuinely understand what it means to love.

So, I created this lettering piece that reads, "The Love of My Life is the Love for My Life," as a constant reminder that self-love should be the foundation of all other loves in our lives—and that the love we have for ourselves is the most important and fulfilling love of all.